Monday, October 26, 2009

Multitude start to my 1000 things I am thankful for

I am starting Multitude Monday on my page. A dear friend of mine has gotten into this and I felt it would be a great thing for me to start seeing what there is around me and all the little blessings God has given to me. So here is my start of 1000 things I am thankful for.......
1. my God
2. his word
3. my husband
4. my son Eric
5. my son Stephen
6. my parents
7. my husbands parents
8. my sisters and brother
9. music
11. being alive
12. my puppy
13. my cats
14. my home
15. my church family 16. music 17. books 18. the rain 19. the sunshine 20. oceans 21. summer 22. fall 23. winter 24. spring 25. the ocean 26. love 27. trees 28. my quiet corner for meeting with God 29. my journal where my thought about God and my letters to God 30. His healing power...................................................................................... Our God is so great and powerful. He love us so much. I sat down and thought that finding 10 things to be thankful for would be hard and I made myself stop at 30. I am so thankful and can't wait until next Monday to continue my list. Praise the Lord!

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