Thursday, November 19, 2009

Christmas is coming

My deepest desire this year for Christmas is to go deeper in my understanding of my Lord. That is why I am doing my Jesse's branch. We serve an amazing God and he sent us HIS ONLY son, but what does that mean. I could not imagine having to do what my God did. Not only did he intrust his son to a very young girl and have faith in her to make the right decisions about raising him to his full potential, but he also did it knowing full well that the result would watching him die on the cross. I fall to pieces is my children get hurt just a little bit.

God gave us a free will as humans, I would assume that Mary, Joseph and Jesus also had this free will. She agreed to what God said, but what would have happened if she had said a year or two into Jesus' life "this is too hard, I can't do it any more". Where would we be now.

God's plans are perfect. He chooses each of us to play a small or large part in this "internship" that we each have on this earth. We may never know what that part was. You truely don't know who you reach or touch. You don't know when you blunder and throw yet another unnecessary curve into your path until you are struggling. Then God puts us to right again. The Bible says that God knew us as we were being formed in our mothers womb. That means that he placed a plan on each of us, maybe not as big as Mary's was, but we have one just the same.

I alway fought mine. I wanted a bigger, grander more important purpose for my life than just being a Mom and wife. Children were not a part of MY plan, but God knows better. I was unhappy and struggled with myself until I let go and let God. God healed the broken places and he became my teacher. He tought me to have confidence in myself. I canned food this summer in preperation for the winter. I changed how I grocery shop and now my family is eating healthier homecooked meals. I decided last night to make my very first homemade stew. I bought the meat, seared it and added things that I had either frozen or canned this summer. I then put spices in. Spices have always made me nervous, but I am getting better and better. My family ate my stew and loved it. Jason even got another bowl for a snack instead of fattening junkfood.

When you feel God stretching you just relax and go with it. The result is so much better when He does it. I pray for a simplistic Christmas. For one that I can truely show my children the true meaning of why we celebrate Christ. I want them to understand that it isn't just the birth of a baby and then his death and resurection, but that our Lord and Savior is comming back again. He will live on this earth again and we will rule with him.

holy experience

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