Monday, January 18, 2010

Praise the Lord for the little things!

holy experience

This weekend was crazy busy, but there were so many things to be thankful for.

#73~An evening with just me and my husband working together to make our home how we want it

#74~A FUN trip to Home Depot to figure out together what we wanted.

#75~A fabulous meeting with the rest of the Kid's Church leaders

#76~and finding that we are all hearing the same things from God for our ministry, also that each of us had the missing piece to the solution.

#77~Hearing from God and being blessed on my 2 1/2 hour car ride to Lincoln City alone (but not really alone)

#78~For the song in my heart coming out as I drove over the mountain and the tears of joy shed.

#79~A hug so tight you can't breath from a friend who is like a sister, followed by a second one sent from far away....the other sister who we both wish would have been there that day.

#80~Getting to hold my "nephew" and him falling in love with me.

#81~buying Bibles (that the kids just loved and wanted)for Truelife Kid's, so we can take them deeper.

#82~finding the perfect CD's to go with them

#83~Meeting with God again on the way home and him making the drive seam shorted

#84~a wonderful talk with my Mother for almost an hour and never running out of things to talk about

#85~getting home to my house a wreck, but jumping right in and helping my husband work until late late late because he gave me the day to meet my friend

#86~never getting to my lesson in Kid's Church because GOD MOVED IN OUR KIDS!!!!!!

#87~Watching my son's worship in with the adults as well as in Kid's Church

#88~A picture shoot with my parents and sister, where the best picture taken was us laughing and piled on top of each other :)

#89~Picking out the pictures we wanted and my father saying he would buy them for us. He blessed us for his birthday. We now have beautiful new pictures for our newly painted house

#90~Dinner with the fam that was so funny and fun

#91~Getting home and finishing our house

#92~Learning that I am sick, but I get 1-2 house of much needed extra sleep

#93~Being able to look back over my weekend and see how blessed I really am.

Praise the Lord for the little things.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I'm glad you had a fun weekend. I love ya!