Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday’s gratitude list 10-18-10

holy experience


Gratitude list 222-260 or more  lol

My heart is overflowing with thankfulness today!  I almost couldn’t relax last night thinking over everything that occurred over the weekend.

Truelife Church had its women’s retreat.  We are always in beautiful locations, but I think this year it was the best.  We stayed in a house in Government Camp Oregon.  This is located just below Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood.

I had an amazing, kids free Friday shopping, having lunch together and driving to Government camp with my friend.  We went a strange, but beautiful way through the middle of the mountains and farming areas between Corbett and Sandy Or.  We also had amazing visits on the way there and back home.  Tried my best not to get her carsick.

The owner is a sweet Grandma lady that provides comfort, prayer, food and much more.  It is large enough for the 26 of us to feel comfortable, but small enough that you have to be around the fellow ladies from the Church.  This setup was perfect as we were talking of relationships.

A group of us took a hike around a beautiful lake, talking the whole time.  Legs are still recovering from it, but it was the best couple of hours.

I learned how to paint my nails from one friend and another straightened my hair for me.  Visiting the whole time.

I came away from this weekend with renewed dreams that I had thrown to the side believing that I couldn’t ever fulfill them.  That my past mistakes that made it so I had to throw them away forever.  I will fulfill them, just not the way I thought, but the way God had originally planned.  Also with knowing who I am and that I am perfect.  That things I felt were flaws in my make up, God put there on purpose and intends them to be used for his good.  Knowing that the long time friends and new friends are there now and always will be.  God gave me comfort that as I am stepping forward and following his will to be a part of the Church plant, that these friends he has placed in my life will still be there and that there are many more to come.  He told me that I am not on my own, He has it all worked out.

So much more happened that was even more personal and I know I am not the only one that had life changing moments. 

We then came home to our Church for service and I was able to worship with my Church family.  Then teach a short lesson to the children.  I got to be a part of my Church congregation as three amazing couples were placed into their God given leadership roles.  I got to watch their children witnessing it as well.

I got home to my three guys who missed me a lot.  A very clean house, with a mowed front yard.  Also my dog that basically knocked me down, she missed me so much.


Had a phone call visit with my Mom about the house we are all going to go stay together in for a wonderful weekend away.  It is only in a little over 2 weeks from now!

My wonderful BFF came over and watched a movie with me until my husband got home from work.  Then I had a wonderful evening just visiting and catching up with him.

I love my life!  I love that God teaches me each day how much I have to be thankful for.

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