Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A bit of wisdom I just thought I would try

I am learning that when I let go of the worry, let go of the reins, God steps in and makes all things work out.   I have wasted a lot of time worrying about how we are going to do this or that.  Where will the money come from to fix the car, feed us, clothes, dental and vision….everything had become a worry.   Then I looked back and realized those things have always been taken care of….we have never wanted for anything.  


I decided to let go. 


To stop asking God why we always seam to see a break through in our finances just to have another thing go wrong.  To lean on the one who said He will take care of all of my needs.    ~the promise is there in the Bible~


He has more than supplied our needs and is starting to fulfill his promise of fulfilling our desires.  His promise that we would see for sure that it is coming from HIS hands and not ours.  I can see that very clearly!


I find that I have more time for the important things.  Like God, my husband, kids…..  When you put God first and follow his plans everything thing else simply falls into place.


I don’t know all the plans God has for me, my marriage,  my boys, but I know that it is perfect.  I am loving this journey/season of my life…just hang on and keep looking forward to the one who is leading.  The one who knows what is coming and preparing us for it!  I am a bit excited now!  ♥


~Loving the Lord my God with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind and with all my strength


Mark 12:30

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Watch for up coming blogs…they should be fun

Watch for blogs about my weekends and the non school week with my boys.  We are going to be doing crafts together this weekend and next.  Also all next week they have no school Smile  I am so excited about what we are going to do together to get the house ready for Christmas.  There will be a window craft, making ornaments, baking, making gingerbread houses, and lots more……..  will take lots of pictures of all of our fun!  Most of these will be just the three of us and some will include the daycare kids. 


Making the most out of every second with my boys!

Blessing my family in all that I do everyday

So as I was working and doing my chores today.  I was thinking, as I put in the 3rd load of laundry of the day and looking at the 100 more to go that laundry is a never ending chore…you are never caught up.  Then I did the dishes, started the machine and then saw that I still had more dishes.  I realized that dishes are a never ending chore.  Then I starting thinking of all the other never ending things done daily; sweeping, bathrooms, beds…lol  it was a never ending list as well.  The nice thing about all of this, is that I do these things for my family.  I love to take care of them and to show my love through these endless and sometimes thankless tasks.  I am sure they feel the same about some things that they are responsible for.  ~Blessing my family in all that I do everyday.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mommy down!

So this last week has been crazy!  I went away last week late on Thursday with my husband and boys to stay at a beach house my parents rented.  My sister also joined us all there.  We had a wonderful time.  Reconnecting, resting, shopping, eating, sitting in a hot tub and watching the water.  We slept in and went to bed late.  It truly was a vacation.  We were only gone for like 3 days but it was worth it!  The one crazy scary thing that happened was our house sitter calling us to see if we had come back early.  Our dog who he put outside was in the house, there were foot prints and our house alarm was acting funny.  Hmmm…..so I turned my cell phone on to see if I had missed any calls.  Our alarm company called me at 849 to say that the alarm was activated and since they couldn’t reach us the police were being dispatched to our house to see if we had been robbed.  YIKES is all I can say to that!  Heart sunk and worse fears met….first thought is home invader.  My husband then called the police non emergency phone number and we found out that the officer found the back door open and the dog in the house.  Nothing was missing or messed up.  Praise the Lord.  Our house sitters stuff (this includes his drum set he plays at our Church) was all there as well as ours.  When I got home I just had police and dog foot prints to clean up lol.  Well, I think I found the burglar……my dog has shown me over and over the last couple of days that if you don’t put the stick in the door she can open it.  Smile  Yep the theory is that the dog decided that our friend had been gone long enough and she didn’t like the rain, so she let herself in the house. Clever little pup, but cause a lot of trouble with her new trick.

I worked on Monday, but then on Tuesday I got a call from the family I do child care for, that one of their boys was pretty sick, as were they.  They stayed home that day and through out the day I got sicker and sicker and more nauseated until, yep you guessed it….but I won’t go into all the details.  Lets just say me and my bucket got really close on Tuesday. My dog was by my side the whole time and even missed her dinner time to be with me. She slept when I slept and sat by my bucket when, well when I did.   She did eat, but it was pretty late.   I was done by 10pm that night and slept clear through until 8am Wednesday.  Then I alternated sleeping and eating my B.R.A.T. diet that my nurse friend recommended.  I was great by last night and today I am just being very careful with was I eat.  Still on the B.R.A.T. diet but starting to include some more solids. 

It is amazing to me that when Mommy is down the house kind of falls apart.  The boys have been great and are old enough to get themselves food, but the clean up process needs some work.  The dishes, laundry and floors are not as clean as Mom keeps them.  Today I am trying to catch up on my chores and since they are home from school they get to help me.  I am watching 3 little boys today, but they are being so good and love to “help”, so their stuff is staying cleaned up.  Very happy I get a 3 day weekend to recover some more.   Today I am just pretty exhausted and my muscles are all sore. 

Praise the Lord for his healing love and that my husband and boys have escaped this stomach bug!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Gratitude list

holy experience

I find that it is the simple things that truly bring me pleasure and joy.  I am thankful for all of the little things that happen daily.

My gratitude list 260-278:

~Had an amazing weekend with my boys-Jason had to work, but the three of us found plenty to do and kept ourselves out of trouble(mostly).

~Having the freedom to gather with fellow believers to worship an amazing, awesome God!

~standing next to my children and husband as we lifted our voices is praise

~watching my son gain understanding as he listened to our Pastor give an amazing message

~That my children are understanding in the fact that we don’t go trick-or-treating and always have been-we settled in last night as our family tradition to eat snacks and watch family movies.  So much fun!

~waking up this morning with no trace of my husband….except for the hot coffee that he made me before going to work

~my husband calling me a few hours into my morning just so he could say good morning to me

~listening to my children slowly (Stephen noisily) getting ready for school

~my morning grumpiness going away as I chat with one of my BFFs online

~getting on with my chores as a way that I bless my family daily

~crying tears of joy while of watching a video of one of my pastors/friends wakening up her grandchildren on her surprise visit across the country

~knowing the joy that is filling that home is South Carolina today

~balancing my bank account and finding a deposit, I had been waiting for, is there and at the time we need it…God is good, He provides and His timing is perfect.  He knows our needs and our desires.  He delights in seeing his children taken care of and happy.

~the street sweeper cleaning away the leaves off the street in front of my house-I was going to go out and do that today, now I don’t have to

~The joy on the faces of the little boys I take care of as they saw me from their van

~visiting with their mother who has become one of my dearest friends.  I am so thankful she is in my life

~the joy of working on a blanket to keep us warm at night this winter…if I can get it done for this winter

~I am mostly thankful for my Lord and Savior who died on the cross to set me free.   That the season is coming that we celebrate His birth.  Oh what a Joyful season it is!