Yesterday was Oct 10, 2010. That is a pretty cool sounding date, but it was a strange day for me. My sister works in a nursing home and sees daily the affects of Alzheimer’s on people. She organized a group to walk in the Eugene memory walk. I joined her because it seamed important, but I didn’t understand until I got to the walk. I knew that my grandfathers birthday was in October and that towards the end of his life he had the beginning signs of Alzheimer’s disease, but I didn’t connect the dates until my Mom gave me the group button to wear.
Happy 80th
In memory of Carl
Creepin’ along
for Alzheimer’s
He passed away about 3 years ago, to me it was just yesterday. Aside from my Dad, he was my favorite man on earth and we were very close. My Grandfather is now in heaven with our Lord and so I had stopped celebrating his earthly birthday. I hope that isn’t abnormal or horrible, but he is where we all, as Christians, long to be. There is no pain, no forgetfulness…..only worship of His Lord and Savior. My Grandfather’s legacy to me and my children is that of worship and prayer. I remember all the love, the prayers, the devotion to His Lord. He taught his family to serve selflessly. He was a man who would give the shirt off his back even if he didn’t have another. I am so thankful that he was my Grandfather and for all that he taught me….all the memories-but I am even more excited about where he is now and what he is doing now!!!
It was amazing to see all the people walking in honor of someone they loved. To see all the shirts, buttons and love. It was even more amazing to tell my boys about one of the men who helped to make me the Woman of God that I am and to pass on the legacy of serving the Lord to them.
The day to me wasn’t sad. It was amazing. The best part was that my Mother, who to my knowledge hadn’t been walking for exercise as a general rule, got out there with us. She walked 2 miles! I then found out that she had been walking every day for the last couple of weeks to get ready and plans to keep it up! I am so PROUD of her. We did the first 2 miles together as a family. My Dad, sister, boys and I went on to finish the 5 mile walk. I was encouraged by her and will make sure that I am walking on the same days as her. This will be a great motivation for the both of us.
God wants us to be healthy!
Exodus 15:2
The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him.
continuing my gratitude list~211-221
I am thankful that:
~my Grandfather served the Lord and my Grandmother and the rest of us still are
~that we are free in this country to Worship, pray, and attend Church
~My mother is walking for exercise again
~improved relationships with family
~my children are doing well in school
~women’s retreat is this week
~for the rain
~daily devotions that point out God’s love for every one of my unique qualities
~and he plans to use them for his purpose
~seeing God’s hand on our finances and how he is helping us-his plans are perfect!