My heart is filled with love and praise of my Lord and Savior!
In 4 days we will all be celebrating Christmas. his birth.
Then in 4 months his Resurrection and assent into heaven, where He sits at the right hand of God, his father-our father by adoption. Waiting for his father to say it is time for the wedding~go get your bride.
It is a story told to us many times over our lifetime. We all have it memorized.
These are two times of the year that I feel the closest to my Lord.
God gave it all!
God knew when sin entered the world how He would set it right.
Generations passed away as the promises of God were prophesied.
Then one day He sent his Angel Gabriel to visit a young girl.
Then a baby was born…not a grown king as they expected, but a baby.
Then about 30 years later was killed on a cross.
Now 2000 years into the future we still celebrate these two events, but also long for the day of his return.
He will return for his Bride and we must be ready!
God’s promises are true!
He is sending a savior to this world….He is readying our new home.
As you gather together with your families and friends remember why you are gathering. It isn’t for that perfect gift from the store, but for that perfect gift from God.
Merry Christmas!